NGC Testing Services offers large- and small-scale fire testing of building materials, structures, and assemblies.

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Fire Testing Services

Fully equipped for full-scale product fire testing, we provide you with an exceptional testing experience. Our fire testing labs are designed for even your largest building materials, structures, and components, with high-capacity cranes, multiple movable test frames, and large access openings — giving you the option to test almost any size material, big or small.

All of our tests are compliant with the appropriate ASTM, UL, NFPA, or UBC fire testing regulations, while our fire testing lab's ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation is provided by IAS.


Fire Testing Standards

ASTM E84 - Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials (NFPA 255, UL 723, UBC 8-1)

Full-scale (25') Steiner tunnel furnace designed to evaluate the surface burning characteristics (flame spread & smoke development) of various materials and components for many different industries, including building materials, coatings, insulation, finishes, fabrics, and other surfaces requiring classification.

ASTM E136 - Assessing Combustibility of Materials Using a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750°C

Vertical tube furnace used to assess the combustibility of materials when exposed to a temperature of 750°C.

ASTM E2336 - Fire-Resistive Grease Duct Enclosure Systems

Comprised of five individual tests for evaluating enclosure materials and grease duct enclosure systems.

CAN/ULC-S101 - Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials

Full-scale horizontal (14' x 18') or vertical (10' x 10') furnace or pilot-scale horizontal (7' x 7') furnace used for fire endurance tests applicable to walls, partitions, floors, roofs, ceilings, columns, and beams.

CAN/ULC-S632 - Standard for Heat Shields (Appliance Clearance Reduction Test and High Temperature Test)

Full-scale room structure used to evaluate the performance of heat shields in reducing the minimum clearances for heat-producing appliances to combustible walls or partitions.

NFPA 252 - Fire Tests of Door Assemblies (UL 10 A-B-C, ASTM E152, UBC 7-2, UBC 7-3)

Full-scale (10' x 10') vertical furnace used to evaluate fire door assemblies intended to be used to retard the spread of fire through door openings in fire-resistance-rated walls.

NFPA 285 - Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components

Full-Scale Two-Story Fire Test Structure for testing exterior envelope materials and assemblies.

UBC 26-2 - Evaluation of Thermal Barriers (NFPA 275)

Pilot-scale (7’ x 7’) horizontal furnace or full-scale room structure used to qualify a thermal barrier for protecting foam plastic insulation or metal composite materials. 

UL 1618 - Wall Protectors, Floor Protectors, and Hearth Extensions (Reduced Clearance Test for Wall Protectors)

Full-scale room structure used to determine the minimum clearances for heat-producing devices such as fireplaces, fireplace stoves, fireplace inserts, and solid-fuel room heaters.

ASTM E119 - Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials (UL 263, UBC 7-1, NFPA 251, CAN/ULC-S101)

Full-scale (10' x 10') vertical furnace designed to test/evaluate building materials and assemblies for walls, partitions, doors, windows, and expansion joints via loading, cycling, and data acquisition. Full-scale (14' x 18') horizontal furnace with specimen loading and cycling and data acquisition system. Pilot-scale (7' x 7') horizontal furnace.

ASTM E814 - Fire Tests of Penetration Firestop Systems (UL 1479, UBC 7-5, CAN/ULC-S115)

Full-scale horizontal (14' x 18') or vertical (10' x 10') furnace or pilot-scale horizontal (7' x 7') furnace used for determining the performance of fire stops systems.

ASTM E2768 - Extended Duration Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials

Full-scale (25') Steiner tunnel furnace used to evaluate the ability of a product to limit the surface spread of flame when evaluated for 30 minutes (30 min Tunnel Test).

CAN/ULC-S115 - Fire Tests of Firestop Systems

Full-scale horizontal (14' x 18') , vertical (10' x 10'), or pilot-scale (7' x 7') horizontal furnace used for determining the performance of firestops systems.

NFPA 130 - Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems (Chapter 8.5)

Full-scale horizontal (14' x 18’) furnace or pilot-scale horizontal (7' x 7') furnace used to evaluate the fire performance of floor assemblies for fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems. 

NFPA 257 - Fire Tests of Windows and Glass Block Assemblies (UL 9, ASTM E163, UBC 7-4)

Full-scale (10' x 10') vertical furnace used to evaluate fire window assemblies, including windows, glass-block, and other light-transmitting assemblies intended to be used to retard the spread of fire through openings in fire-resistance-rated walls.

NFPA 415 - Standard on Airport Terminal Buildings, Fuel Ramp Drainage, and Loading Walkways (Chapter 6)

Full-scale horizontal (14' x 18') or vertical (10' x 10') furnace or pilot-scale horizontal (7' x 7') furnace used to evaluate the minimum fire protection requirements of aircraft loading walkways.

UBC 26-3 - Room Fire Test Standard for Interior of Foam Plastic Systems

Full-scale room structure used to evaluate the flammability contribution of wall material assemblies, ceiling material assemblies, or both, exposed to early fire growth. 

UL 1715 - Fire Test of Interior Finish Material (NFPA 286)

Full-scale room structure used to evaluate the flammability contribution of wall material assemblies, ceiling material assemblies, or both, exposed to early fire growth. 

UL 2079 - Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems (ASTM E1966)

Full-scale horizontal (14' x 18') or vertical (10' x 10') furnace or pilot-scale horizontal (7' x 7') furnace used for determining the performance of joint systems intended for use in linear openings between adjacent fire resistive structures. 


NGC Testing Services Brochure

For almost 60 years, we’ve run a lot of tests. This brochure provides an overview of our company, our fire testing solutions and test capabilities, and a look into our facilities. Discover why NGC Testing Services is the best in test.


Our Fire Testing Facilities

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Full-Scale (14'x18') Horizontal Floor-Ceiling Furnace

Full specimen loading and cycling and data-acquisition system.

For evaluating:

  • Floors
  • Ceilings
  • Roofs
  • Expansion joints (including cycling)
  • Penetrations
  • Rail cars
  • Transit systems
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Pilot Scale (7'x7') Horizontal Furnace

Full data acquisition system for exploratory or smaller specimen tests consistent with ASTM E119 time/temperature curve.

For evaluating:

  • Floors
  • Ceilings
  • Roofs
  • Expansion joints
  • Penetrations
  • Access doors
  • Safes, security boxes, other protective enclosures
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Full Scale (10'x10') Vertical Wall Panel Furnace

Full specimen loading and cycling and data acquisition system.

For evaluating:

  • Walls
  • Partitions
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Expansion joints (including loading, cycling, and data acquisition system)
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Full Scale 25’ Steiner Tunnel Furnace

Designed to evaluate the surface burning characteristics (flame spread and smoke development) of various materials and components for many different industries.

For evaluating:

  • Building materials
  • Coatings
  • Insulation
  • Finishes
  • Fabrics
  • Surfaces requiring classification
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Vertical Tube Furnace

Used to assess the combustibility of materials when exposed to a temperature of 750°C.

For evaluating:

  • Various materials
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Room Corner Burn Fixture

Full-scale room structure (four walls at right angles, a doorway, and a ceiling) used to investigate the potential fire spread of a wall and/or ceiling interior finish material when exposed to fire.

For evaluating:

  • Interior finishes and panels
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Full-Scale Two-Story Fire Test Structure

Two-story concrete structure (16' high) with a test room on each story used for determining the fire propagation characteristics of exterior wall assemblies and panels used as components of curtain wall assemblies.

For evaluating:

  • Exterior building envelope materials and assemblies
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Large open area for conducting free-standing, large-scale tests, or special test setups; fire testing laboratories for small-scale fire tests and custom evaluations such as safes, security boxes, or other protective enclosures.


Learn More About Fire Testing

The NGC Testing Services team has decades of experience providing efficient and cost-effective solutions for full-scale construction fire testing. Get the latest in fire testing technology, standards, and more.


Additional Testing Services

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Acoustical Testing

Full-scale, fully-isolated independent test chambers for acoustical testing of various building materials and assemblies.

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Analytical/Physical Testing

Analytical testing in support of physical property testing of building materials and construction products for the built environment.

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Structural Testing

Full-scale shear, racking, weather, wind-load, and fenestration testing of building materials and exterior assemblies.

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Additional Tests & Services

Information on our other tests and services to assist in test projects, including a description of facilities, equipment, and test services.


Schedule An Appointment

Have questions about our fire testing services or facilities? Ready to schedule a test? Our team of testing experts is ready to help.